A people’s movement towards education equity

How can youth play an
active role in public education?

How can youth play an active role in public education?

Youth Leadership Collective

With 66% of its population below 35, India has the world’s largest youth population. They are the leaders of tomorrow.

The Youth Leadership Collective aims to empower and mobilise youth to shape and influence educational policies and practices.

We see school as a space for youth development, tapping into this demographic’s natural self-confidence, entrepreneurial spirit, and energy. Our goal is to engage 10,000 young leaders by 2025.


Awareness driving change

Our partnerships with various CSOs working with youth help raise awareness about youth-led change in education and community development, using strengths like gamified engagement, digital storytelling, and logistical expertise to promote education reforms.

School & community Improvement

Co-creation with various partners leads to impactful interventions focused on tangible school and community improvements.,including infrastructure enhancements.

Youth-led micro-improvement projects

The initiative involves many youth volunteers in implementing 2-3 micro-improvements each year. It encourages youth to lead small, impactful projects that cumulatively contribute to systemic change.

Monitoring & evaluation

Through various tools, Shikshagraha measures the specific outcomes of volunteers’ efforts (e.g., improvement in school infrastructure, student participation, community engagement) and offers personalised feedback to optimise engagement.

Every step towards education

The leaders of tomorrow shaping the future of public education

Over 200 dynamic volunteers from the National Service Scheme (NSS), CommuTiny, ShikshaLokam, and Shri Aurobindo Society in Puducherry are working together to champion innovative solutions for India’s public schools.

These passionate youth leaders are driving change by directly implementing micro-improvements in schools, ranging from activity-based training sessions to digital learning tools.

Anand’s Story

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